Climate Action Fund Project and Partnership  

Members of the Sheffield Climate Alliance describe a little about themselves and their work. 

What are Sheffield Climate Alliance aiming to achieve, and how? 

We want to see a thriving, successful climate movement in the South Yorkshire region, creating a thriving planet and reducing inequality. We facilitate growth in the climate change movement and provide a platform for organisations in South Yorkshire to collaborate on campaigns. 

Sheffield Climate Alliance (SCA) is the lead organisation of a partnership of community organisations who aim to inspire individuals and communities to change their own behaviour and help influence positive systemic change.  

How are you using funding from the National Lottery Climate Action Fund? 

SCA was recently awarded nearly £200,000 by the National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund (CAF) to undertake a development project, laying the foundations for an application ​for a Full Award of up to £2.5 million. If successful, this will support a 5-year programme to inspire and engage every person in South Yorkshire in the transition to a lower carbon, healthier, happier life.  

35 partner organisations signed up to the development bid, creating a wide network which is growing as new partners come on board. The partnership intends that the project will not only inspire individuals but also create and deepen connections between organisations.  

The development funding will enable the wide distribution of a survey, using existing and growing connections, to establish what the barriers to climate action are and what change people would like to see in their local areas. Active listening exercises will be conducted in key areas, targeting specific demographics to engage with and learn from. A key area of the project will be the Climate Action Hubs, a network of educational and inspiring hubs where people can go to learn more about climate change, get involved in climate action and build community, and these will be connected to a digital hub and social media platforms.  

What events have you held recently? 

In late 2020, SCA held two online events: ​Imagine Zero Carbon Yorkshire​, followed by ​Create Zero Carbon Yorkshire​. ​Imagine ​was attended by approximately 70 people from across the region, from around 40 different organisations and backgrounds. We collectively imagined what South Yorkshire could look like in seven years’ time.  

As well as including practical solutions to climate change, the discussions also reflected a real hunger to hold onto what we have learned to treasure as a result of the Covid pandemic – connection to nature, community support, tackling injustice and inequality, and empowering people to have agency in decision making.  

Now you have collectively imagined the future, what will you do with this learning? 

Following feedback from these events, Sheffield Climate Alliance is also undergoing rebranding to be more inclusive of the entire South Yorkshire region and its diverse communities, not just Sheffield​. We are very excited about these changes and we look forward to a brighter future for South Yorkshire’s citizens and climate.  

Photo credit: Dora Damian