Faith, nature & climate

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 - 19:30
Zoom (online)

Nature is in crisis - globally and in our region. The impact of climate change will only make this worse. How do our faiths view our responsibility to our environment? How can faith communities play a greater role in tackling these issues and contribute towards changing our values to prioritise protection and stewardship of nature?

This informal, friendly event will cover:

  • Introduction to the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission and the challenges ahead for our region
  • Exploring how faith beliefs around nature can unite different faith groups
  • Success stories of faith-led initiatives
  • Barriers and challenges to creating change in faith communities and places of worship

This is the first of a number of regional events exploring faith and climate. All welcome, from all faiths or none. 

This event takes place online using Zoom software. Register to attend.