
31st October 2022
Commissioners call on Government to urgently adopt a regionally balanced, socially equitable national aviation strategy that is consistent with the Sixth Carbon Budget.

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CCS, BECCS and Drax

21st July 2023
Commissioners give their view on the linked topics of carbon capture and storage (CCS), bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), and Drax power station.

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link to CCS, BECCS and Drax

Sustainable Food Systems

27th September 2023
This Insight Paper explores some of the key challenges and outlines some of the potential actions that we could take to create a balanced and resilient food system in Yorkshire & Humber.

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link to sustainable food systems

Nature's Recovery

March 2024
This Insight Paper explores some of the key challenges and outlines some of the potential actions that we could take to foster nature's recovery in Yorkshire & Humber.

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link to natures recovery

Regional Planning Policy Principles

July 2023
An outline of the Regional Shared Policy Principles endorsed by the Yorkshire & Humber Leaders' Board.

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link to regional planning policy principles