Applications are open for our affiliate or associate member positions.
These are voluntary roles connected to the Commission’s broader work and range from advising on and leading projects (associates) to staying up to date with and participating in our activities (affiliates).

Become an
Are you working in climate action in Yorkshire and the Humber? Do you have the appetite and availability to be an active member of the Commission’s core groups and flagship projects?
An associate role could be for you. Drawing on relevant skills, experience and connections, our associates are individuals that give their time to advise, lead projects and strengthen our networks in the region.

Become an
Are you actively engaged in one or more of the Commission’s four strategic aims? Are you keen to support the Commission but can’t commit the time required of associates? An affiliate role could be for you. Our affiliates are individuals or organisations that are invited to participate in certain events, lend their voice to consultations and receive regular updates on Commission activities and opportunities.